Meet Lauren Blasco.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Windows down, music up, on an open road in a foreign land with my smiling family.

What person from history would you have dinner with?

Eunice Newton Foote

Who are your heroes in real life?

Children as they have a remarkable ability to live in the present moment. Their curiosity, wonder, and enthusiasm for the world around them often keep them fully engaged in whatever they're experiencing at any given moment. This quality can be admired because it reflects a sense of innocence and spontaneity that many adults strive to recapture in their own lives. Children remind us of the importance of mindfulness and being fully present, rather than constantly worrying about what has happened or what might happen next. They teach us to appreciate the simple joys of life and to find wonder in the little things.

What is your most treasured possession?

photographs of my family

What is your greatest fear?

Fear of regret via inaction

Which living person do you most admire?

My parents as they've sacrifice a lot for their children, providing love, support, guidance, and sometimes even putting their own needs aside to ensure their children have the best opportunities in life. They've play a crucial role in shaping my values, beliefs, and character, and their dedication to their family can be truly inspiring.

Where or who do you get your energy from?

I get all my energy from my 2 boys. I feed off of their endless enthusiasm for life

How do you decide what to celebrate?

If it makes someone happy we celebrate it

What do you look for when interviewing someone for a job?

Adaptability and resilience

What is your current state of mind?

Stimulated and optimistic

What injustice do you deplore?

Corruption / Climate Change Impact on vulnerable populations / Gender Inequality

Which talent would you most like to have?

Being a passionate and creative cook

How would you like to be remembered?

As a genuine, kind person with honest intentions

What food do you turn to for comfort? And why?

Indian because the diversity of ingredients and flavors never disappoints

What is your favourite restaurant?

Impossible to choose one but at the moment it is Indigo for their lunch set

If you were to be stuck on a desert island, what music, book, and item would you take?

My Road Trippin Spotify playlist, The Alchemist, Weather proof photo of my family