Meet JJ Erpaiboon.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Living in a thriving community where everyone is living healthy, meaningful and fulfilled lives.

What is your most treasured possession?

My memories and collection of life experiences.

What is your greatest fear?

The open ocean (thalassophobia) and public speaking. What did I find on the other side of fear? Experiencing beautiful sea creatures up close and meaningful speaking opportunities for in-person audiences of hundreds to air-ing on TV to thousands speaking about gender equality in VC. They have become some of the most cherished moments in my life.

What is your greatest ambition, and what motivates you to pursue it?

People: to make sure everyone in my community lives a meaningful life. Nature: to preserve it at all costs, and ensure nature and biodiversity thrives - as we are nothing without them.

Which living person do you most admire?

My big sister. I have always admired the way she brought herself up strong and independent, while consistently being guided by kindness and compassion to those around her. Seeing her as a new mother has made me realize the very soft and strong qualities – and finding the delicate balance between the two traits – that I most admire in mothers.

Where or who do you get your energy from?

I get my energy from people, nature, and art/culture/food/music. A mixture of extroversion and introversion.

What did I find on the other side of my fears? Experiencing beautiful sea creatures up close and meaningful speaking opportunities for in-person audiences of hundreds to air-ing on TV to thousands speaking about gender equality in VC. They have become some of the most cherished moments in my life.

How do you decide what to celebrate?

Whether small or big, every achievement can and should be celebrated.

What do you look for when interviewing someone for a job?

Gravitas, grit, creativity and motivation.

What is your current state of mind?

Inspired and curious is the constant state of mind.

Which talent would you most like to have?

I play the drums but I'm not very good at it. I would like to be a talented drummer some day when I am able to dedicate more time.

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who cared deeply and lived passionately.

What food do you turn to for comfort? And why?

Thai food, it tastes and feels like home.