Meet Christine.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Perfect happiness, for me, is found in the simple moments of connection and understanding between people from diverse backgrounds. It's the joy of working together for a common purpose, striving for a better future.

What person from history would you have dinner with?

I would have dinner with Mahatma Gandhi to learn from his principles of non-violence and social change.

Who are your heroes?

My real-life heroes are the remarkable women survivors of war I had the privilege of meeting in Rwanda in 2017. These courageous and determined individuals represent the resilience, strength, and unwavering determination of a generation that has faced unimaginable adversity. Their inspiring stories serve as a powerful testament to the indomitable human spirit.

What is your most treasured possession?

The engagement ring my husband Steve gave me.

What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is the worsening of climate change and its impact on future generations.

What is your greatest ambition, and what motivates you to pursue it?

My greatest ambition is to create meaningful change for women's education and environmental conservation. My motivation comes from the belief that every small action counts.

Which living person do you most admire?

I most admire Greta Thunberg for her unwavering dedication to raising awareness about climate change.

Where or who do you get your energy from?

My energy comes from the wonderful people I work with, the causes close to my heart, and my inspiration to make a positive difference in the lives of others and our world.

"For aspiring entrepreneurs, my advice is to remain steadfast in pursuing your passion, view challenges as stepping stones to growth, and cultivate a robust support system to navigate the journey effectively.

How do you decide what to celebrate?

I decide to celebrate milestones and achievements that align with my mission and contribute to my goals.

What do you look for when interviewing someone for a job?

When interviewing someone for a job, I look for a strong commitment to our mission, adaptability, and a passion for positive change.

What injustice do you deplore?

What I find most unjust is when those who are most vulnerable suffer or are harmed.

What is your current state of mind?

My current state of mind is focused and determined.

Which talent would you most like to have?

The talent I would most like to have is to be a healer of both people and nature, bringing comfort, solace, and physical or emotional healing to those in need, as well as tending to the well-being of our natural world.

How would you like to be remembered?

I hope to be remembered as someone who had a small but meaningful impact on the lives of marginalized women and the environment

What food do you turn to for comfort? And why?

I turn to comfort food like dark chocolate and pasta when I need a pick me-up.

What is your favourite restaurant?

I don't have a favourite restaurant as I enjoy exploring new culinary experiences.

If you were to be stuck on a desert island, what music, book, and item would you take?

On a desert island, I would take a biography about an inspiring leader, music from the Andes, and a practical tool for survival.